Comic Scraper

Aug 26, 2018 • Cody Stephenson

There are some comics and manga that I’ve been wanting to read, however I don’t really enjoy reading them through a browser. I’d prefer to use something of my choosing.

The Python Comic Scraper

The GitHub repo can be found here. The project utilizes beautifulsoup to scrape a site and downloads and organizes comics. I’m still deciding on what type of GUI to make for it, I’m not a fan of tkinter, even though its pretty simple. I’d rather create a web app so that users on my local network can read from any device. However, the downloading functionality is working flawlessly.

What it does

The script is given a URL to the main page for a comic which contains a list of URLs to chapters. It builds a list of chapters to be downloaded, then for each chapter a list of images is saved.

Individual complete comics are stored in a configurable location (somewhat of a library) with the following structure:

├── chapter01
|    ├── page01.ext
|    ├── page02.ext
│    └── page...
├── chapter02
|    ├── page01.ext
|    ├── page02.ext
│    └── page...
└── chapter...
     ├── page01.ext
     ├── page02.ext
     └── page...

Project Structure

This is likely to change as I determine what direction to take for the GUI. The example_config file is intended to be copied to and edited for the user’s preferences.

├── requirements.txt